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School Uniform

Cowan and Lewis is our supplier for the school uniform. They operate a shop front at Turramurra. Please check their website for current opening times.
Uniforms can be purchased online at Cowan and Lewis with free delivery to the school twice weekly.
Phone: 02 94499777

When are Summer and Winter uniforms worn?

Term 1 & 4: Summer
Term 2 & 3: Winter

Sport clothes are worn 2 days & regular uniform 3 days per week

Children are to wear their sports uniform to school on their class designated sports day, which will be advised by your teacher.
Children also have a chance to wear sports uniform a second school day each week, depending on the Term Timetable.

For the other 3 days during the school week, children wear either their Summer or Winter uniform (depending on the Term).

NO Hat NO Play

Sacred Heart has a policy of “No hat. No play”. If your child does not have a hat to wear during the scheduled breaks or during sport, they will be asked to play in the shade.

Second Hand Uniform

To find out more about purchasing from our second hand clothing pool, please click here.


Exchange form for Uniform Items from Cowan And Lewis

Form that can be printed and filled out, to exchange uniform items bought from Cowan and Lewis

QKR SHM Clothing Pool

How to use the Qkr App to order and pay for the Second-hand Clothing Pool

Uniform Policy

All the rules and guidelines regarding the SHM Uniform Presentation Policy


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is a Catholic school in the Marist tradition. We are proud of our school and would like all students in our community to present themselves in a way that reflects the values and standards of the school.


All students who attend SHM Catholic Primary School must wear the approved school uniform. The wearing of our school uniform is a consequence of the acceptance of enrolment at SHM Catholic Primary School. Our school’s uniform policy has been created under the Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines and the Anti-Discrimination Act.


Compulsory enforcement of our uniform policy enables consistency in dress standards throughout the school and is a way of identifying students who are part of the Sacred Heart community. If for any reason your child is unable to wear a particular item of our school uniform, they should provide a note from their parent/guardian advising the school of the situation and take appropriate steps to correct the uniform as soon as possible.


This Uniform Policy also addresses accessories which are acceptable. Again, approval of such accessories takes into account the safety, both physical and environmental, of each child. Any accessory deemed inappropriate by the Sacred Heart Leadership Team will require immediate removal or alteration.


Should such instances occur the final decision will rest with the School Principal.



The Winter Uniform is to be worn by all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 every day during Terms 2 and 3 except for assigned sport days. The formal uniform consists of the following:


● Shoes Black leather school shoes (Lace up or Velcro)

● Dress Navy Tunic (with SMH logo) & blue long sleeved shirt (with SHM logo)

● Socks Navy tights or navy knee high socks

● Navy fleece

● Tie Cross tab in navy & gold



● Shoes Black leather school shoes (Lace up or Velcro)

● Shirt Long sleeved shirt with SHM logo

● Shorts Navy tailored shorts or long trousers

● Socks Navy knee high socks

● Navy fleece (with SHM logo)

● Tie in navy & gold



The Summer Uniform is to be worn by all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 every day during Terms 1 and 4 except for assigned sport days. The formal uniform consists of the following:


● Shoes Black leather school shoes (Lace up or Velcro)

● Dress Sky/Navy Stripe dress with SHM logo

● Socks Navy ankle socks



● Shoes Black leather school shoes (Lace up or Velcro)

● Shirt Blue short sleeved shirt with SHM logo

● Shorts Navy tailored shorts

● Socks Navy knee high socks

● Tie Boys must wear a tie everyday all year



All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are to have a proper sports uniform, as indicated below and they are to be worn ONLY on the designated sports day. The sports uniform consists of the following:



● Shoes: Cross trainers or runners only (no extreme styles or basketball shoes)

● Sport Shirt: Navy Blue Unisex, crested microfibre sports shirt

● Each colour house will have the colour of the house on the collar, along with the name of the house.

○ Polding (Red)

○ MacKillop (Green)

○ McAuley (Blue)

○ Champagnat (Gold)

● Shorts: Navy Blue Unisex, crested microfibre sports short 

● Socks: White mid-rise ankle socks



● Shoes: Cross trainers or runners only (no extreme styles or basketball shoes)

● Sport Shirt: Navy Blue Unisex, crested microfibre sports shirt

● Each colour house will have the colour of the house on the collar, along with the name of the house.

○ Polding (Red)

○ MacKillop (Green)

○ McAuley (Blue)

○ Champagnat (Gold)

● Shorts: Navy Blue Unisex, crested microfibre sports short

● Socks: White mid-rise ankle socks

Sacred Heart Mosman has a Track Suit which includes long tracksuit pants with a matching zip up jacket. The track suit is designed to be worn in the colder months and can be worn over the sports shorts. This is an optional Item.

During the colder months the SHM fleece is the ONLY option. (Mosman Rugby and any other “branded or non SHM jumper are not acceptable).

SHM Sport Fleeces are only worn at after school training sessions and Saturday sport.




● SHM crested hats MUST be worn during school hours. NO HAT, NO PLAY POLICY still applies

● There are two hats to choose from and either will be in line with our policy

○ a crested navy bucket hat

○ a crested navy cap

● Although the children wear hats when outside it is advisable to apply sunscreen before school.


School Bags

● SHM crested school bags are mandatory

● Library / excursion bag is available

● Homework bag is also available (supplied by School for Kindergarten students)


Earrings & Jewellery

● Girls (only) are permitted to wear small stud earrings (no hoops)

● Students are permitted to wear a wrist watch, a medical bracelet or a necklace with a religious symbol otherwise no other jewellery is accepted (smart watches where children will have internet access of filming capability are NOT permitted)


Girls Hair

● Hair must be pulled back if long enough into a ponytail, pig tails, braid or plaits. They must be worn with an approved hair accessory such as navy ribbon or navy headband. (Flowers, patterns, logo of any kind are not acceptable).

Boys Hair

● Hair styles for boys should be short and tidy and not grown or groomed in an extreme or exaggerated fashion. Hair should be evenly cut, a natural colour, worn off the face and should not obstruct sight. Hair must be at least a "number 3" cut.  Dreadlocks are not permitted. 



● Students are not permitted to wear any form of make-up


Nail Polish

● Students are not permitted to wear nail polish



● Students are not permitted to wear ‘skins’



Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Mosman

Tel: (02) 9969 6600   Email:

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