What are Year Representatives?
The system of Year Representatives works particularly well at our school. Any Sacred Heart parent can volunteer to be a Year Rep for their child's year. The role of a Year Rep is evolving to focus more on ‘pastoral care’ ie. connecting parents, buddying new families, encouraging parents’ to support in classroom and school activities, and coordinating social events that bring families together. Year representatives liaise with teachers and encourage all parents in the year group to become involved in planning and running events throughout the year.

toys & valuables
Bringing Toys and Valuables to school
Children are discouraged from bringing toys or valuables to school, unless specifically requested to do so for an event or project. On these occasions, they should only be brought to school with your express knowledge and preferably clearly labelled. The school provides adequate play equipment for students of all ages for use at play time. War toys or toy guns are not appropriate at school.