What are Year Representatives?
The system of Year Representatives works particularly well at our school. Any Sacred Heart parent can volunteer to be a Year Rep for their child's year. The role of a Year Rep is evolving to focus more on ‘pastoral care’ ie. connecting parents, buddying new families, encouraging parents’ to support in classroom and school activities, and coordinating social events that bring families together. Year representatives liaise with teachers and encourage all parents in the year group to become involved in planning and running events throughout the year.

special events
Sacred Heart Events
Meet and Greet – organised by the P&F
School Disco – organised by Kindergarten
Spring Fair
Major Fundraiser or Mid-Year Drinks/Social
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Father’s Day Breakfast
Welcome Mass and Parent Function (Term 1)
Parent/Teacher Meetings and Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion for Years 3 and 4
Individual class Masses – Yrs 3-6
Individual class Liturgies – Yrs K-2
School Feast Day Mass and Celebrations
Regular excursions and guest speakers to support and enrich teaching programs
Interschool Cross Country competition
School Athletics Carnival (Term 2)
Book Week (Term 3)
Interschool Athletics competition (Term 3)
School Swimming Carnival (Term 4)
Kindergarten Orientation program (Term 4)
Annual Excursion for Yrs 5 and 6 to Bathurst and Canberra
Sacrament of Confirmation for Year 6 students
Mass of Thanksgiving and parent function (Term 4)
Movie Night
Open Classrooms
Intra-school and inter-school public speaking and debating competition
Graduation – organised by Year 6
Christmas Carols
How do I find out about current events?
To find out more, please see Compass and our school calendar.