What are Year Representatives?
The system of Year Representatives works particularly well at our school. Any Sacred Heart parent can volunteer to be a Year Rep for their child's year. The role of a Year Rep is evolving to focus more on ‘pastoral care’ ie. connecting parents, buddying new families, encouraging parents’ to support in classroom and school activities, and coordinating social events that bring families together. Year representatives liaise with teachers and encourage all parents in the year group to become involved in planning and running events throughout the year.
Sacramental Programs
Sacramental Programs
During their primary years, the children will be given the opportunity to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. All of these programs are parish based and have been designed to assist you as the first educators of your children in the faith. Information regarding the Sacramental Preparation Program will be sent to you at appropriate times.
Reconciliation is received in Year 3
Eucharist in Year 4
Confirmation in Year 6
Please contact our Sacramental Co-ordinator for more information: 02 8969 3202