What are Year Representatives?
The system of Year Representatives works particularly well at our school. Any Sacred Heart parent can volunteer to be a Year Rep for their child's year. The role of a Year Rep is evolving to focus more on ‘pastoral care’ ie. connecting parents, buddying new families, encouraging parents’ to support in classroom and school activities, and coordinating social events that bring families together. Year representatives liaise with teachers and encourage all parents in the year group to become involved in planning and running events throughout the year.

Premier's reading challenge
Premiers' Reading Challenge
The Challenge encourages children and students from Kinder to Year 9 to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online. Since the Challenge first began in 2005, more than 3 million students have read nearly 50 million books.
Why should my child participate?
The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 9, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools.
If you need help using the website and the answer cannot be found on the PRC Support site, please contact us at prc@det.nsw.edu.au
How does my child participate?
The school distributes your child's unique log in password for the PRC. Please keep it safe, as you will need this each year. If you already have log in details from a previous year, it will remain the same. The Challenge usually opens in March and ends in August.
In order to participate, you will need to log in to: www.premiersreadingchallenge.nsw.edu.au and enter codes or titles of books read. Booklists and codes are available on the aforementioned website.
Log in with username and password:
example username: cecilia.jago (use lowercase and do not use ' or - in name)
example password: apple1
Please help your child with recording books that they have read at home or at school. If you have any difficulties with passwords, please email us cecilia.jago@syd.catholic.edu.au or your child can see us in the library.
Which awards do children receive?
Each year the children receive an award for completing the challenge. In the fourth year of competing, the student receives a Gold certificate, the seventh year, the student receives a Platinum certificate.