What are Year Representatives?
The system of Year Representatives works particularly well at our school. Any Sacred Heart parent can volunteer to be a Year Rep for their child's year. The role of a Year Rep is evolving to focus more on ‘pastoral care’ ie. connecting parents, buddying new families, encouraging parents’ to support in classroom and school activities, and coordinating social events that bring families together. Year representatives liaise with teachers and encourage all parents in the year group to become involved in planning and running events throughout the year.

Masses and liturgies
School Masses/Liturgies
During the year, we celebrate whole school Masses and Liturgies. Individual class Masses will be organised throughout the year. The school liaises with the Parish to organise Year Group Masses at the 9am Sunday Parish Mass. For all of our Masses and celebrations, parents are encouraged to come along. (To find out more about Sacred Heart Weekend Masses, please click here)
A new initiative offered to our community is 7:45am Friday weekly community Mass. This runs for 30 minutes. This is an exciting opportunity to build our own community mass where we can gather and celebrate the Eucharist together as a community.

Masses and Liturgies
We use Compass to keep you updated with the times and dates.
Term 1
Opening School Mass
Welcome Mass (New families)
Catholic Schools Week Liturgy
Ash Wednesday Mass (Yr 3 - Yr 6)
Ash Wednesday Liturgy (K - Yr 2)
St Patrick’s Day Prayer at Assembly
Confirmation Commitment Masses
Lenten Reconciliation 1 - Yr 4 to Yr 6
Holy Week Liturgy: Palm Sunday
Holy Week Liturgy: Washing The Feet
Holy Week Liturgy: The Last Supper
Holy Week Liturgy: The Garden and Arrest
Holy Week Liturgy: The Trial & Crucifixion
Holy Week Liturgy: At The Tomb
Holy Week Liturgy: He Is Risen
Term 2
Confirmation Creed Mass
Confirmation Reconciliation
Confirmation Masses
Kindergarten Family Mass
First Communion enrolment period
Sacred Heart Feast Day Mass
Term 3
100 Days of Kindy Liturgy
Grandparents and Special Friends Mass
First Communion Commitment Masses
Year 4 Family Mass
St Mary of the Cross Feast Day Mass
Feast of the Assumption Mass
Year 1 Family Mass
Term 4
First Reconciliation Family Night
Year 3 Blessing of the Animals Mass
All Saints Day Whole School Mass
Year 5 Family Mass
Kindergarten End of Year Class Liturgy
Year 1 End of Year Class Liturgy
Year 2 End of Year Class Liturgy
Year 3 End of Year Class Liturgy
Year 4 End of Year Class Liturgy
Year 5 End of Year Class Liturgy
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Advent Liturgy - Year 2 and 5
Advent Liturgy Year 1 and 4
Advent Liturgy Kinder and Year 3
Christmas Carols
Graduation Mass Year 6
End of Year Mass