What are Year Representatives?
The system of Year Representatives works particularly well at our school. Any Sacred Heart parent can volunteer to be a Year Rep for their child's year. The role of a Year Rep is evolving to focus more on ‘pastoral care’ ie. connecting parents, buddying new families, encouraging parents’ to support in classroom and school activities, and coordinating social events that bring families together. Year representatives liaise with teachers and encourage all parents in the year group to become involved in planning and running events throughout the year.
excursions & incursions
Student Excursions and Incursions
Excursions and Incursions are considered to be valuable and worthwhile inclusions in the school program. They are a natural progression of the learning experiences provided by each teacher and are relevant to a particular unit of work being studied.
How do I find out about the excursion?
Excursions are always carefully planned well in advance of the day. Parents will be notified via Compass with the details of the excursion.
What do I need to do beforehand?
When you receive details of the excursion, you must consent via Compass prior to the closing date. Your child will need an excursion bag (not their school bag), a packed lunch and water bottle, and their hat. For more specific details for the excursion, please read the Compass email your child's teacher will send before the excursion. This will give you all the information you need.
Can I volunteer to help?
To find out more, please visit our Volunteers page.
Where can I buy an Excursion Bag?
Excursion bags are currently for sale from the QKR App for $16.