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Food Allergies & asthma
No nuts

We have several children in our school who are severely allergic to various varieties of nuts and certain foods. Their allergies are life threatening, so we ask all parents to refrain from sending their children to school with the following foods:

  • nuts

  • peanut butter sandwiches or dippers

  • nutella sandwiches or dippers

  • muesli bars with nuts or nut-based products in them

  • cakes or chocolate bars with whole or partial nuts in or on them 

  • satay flavoured noodles, meat or other products

  • chocolate coated nuts

  • chocolate bars coated in or containing nuts (eg. Snickers or Picnics)

  • Many sunscreens and lip balms contain certain nut oils which can also be harmful to anaphylactic children.

Swapping food

Please tell your child not to swap or trade their food with others.

What do I do if my child is anaphylactic or has a food allergy?

Please inform your child's teacher and the school office of your child's allergies. 

In terms of current school policies and in the best interest of your child's ongoing health, we are required to keep a current copy of individual action plans (signed by a Doctor) and the medication (eg Epipen) to support it. 

We regularly review all medication and action plans for children with a known medical condition. ​

Sacred Heart's policy for handling Asthma and Anaphylaxis

When you completed the Sydney Catholic School Enrolment Form for your child, any medical conditions should have been disclosed at this point. Prior to commencement at school, Asthma and Anaphylaxis medication and plans should be provided by the parents.

All medications must be in date and must carry a medically dispensed label with your child's name and correct dosages clearly marked on it. 

All asthma inhalers are kept in the office and are administered by the staff in the office.

Please keep us informed of any changes to medication dosage your child requires.

Where medication is kept

The student's medication is kept in the office with their Anaphylaxis/Asthma Management health and emergency plan. These are kept in containers, sorted by each Year group.


The teacher on playground duty has access to a Ventolin Inhaler and Epipen with them.

Out of school activities

When going on 'out of school' activities, the student's Asthma/ Anaphylaxis/Asthma Management Plan and Ventolin/Epipen is carried in the medication bag by the teacher.

How are teachers and staff made aware of the student's medical condition?

The class teacher has a copy of the student's Asthma health and emergency plan.

The student's photo is placed on the medical board in the staffroom, so that all staff are aware of the student's medical condition.

The casual teacher is informed of the student's Anaphylaxis/Asthma health and emergency plan, as it is included in the casual teachers information book for that class.

After school and Before school Care - SCECS

Please inform SCECS of your child's allergies. 

SCECS operate separately to the school office and do not share medication, so if your child requires an Epipen or asthma inhaler for example, we are required to keep a second one at SCECS (in addition to the one that the school office keeps) as well as a current copy of individual action plans (signed by a Doctor) and the medication to support it. 

All medications must be in date and must carry a medically dispensed label with your child's name and correct dosage clearly marked on it. 


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Mosman

Tel: (02) 9969 6600   Email:

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