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Late arrival in the morning

As the attendance rolls are now electronic it is essential that if you are late you or your child MUST present at the office before going to the classroom. If you arrive after the starting time of 8.40am, children must sign in at the office via the Compass Kiosk, otherwise they will be marked absent. Click here for instructions on how to sign in at the office.

Leaving early for appointments

Where possible, we encourage appointments to be taken outside of school hours, however, if your child needs to leave early during the day, they will also need to sign out at the office via the Compass Kiosk. Please forward an email with some notice of your child leaving school early to the class teacher and to to advise of the time of pick up and type of appointment and who will be collecting your child.     Click here for instructions on how to sign out at the office.


Illness or holiday 

If your child is away from school for a full day due to sickness, appointments or holiday, you will be required to complete their absence via Compass before 9am on the day of their absence.

Click here to download a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Student leave between 5-10 school days

Attendance notes entered via Compass requesting student leave between 5-10 school days will be reviewed by the school.  These notes can be entered into Compass and parents will notice a pop-up stating this.  Upon receiving the note, the school will review the request and contaact the parent/caregiver should amendements be made to the note or the attendance code requested. 

Student leave greater than 10 school days

As part of the implementation of the National Standards, holidays taken by students outside of school vacation periods will now be included as absences. A Certificate of Exemption can no longer be granted for this purpose. Families are encouraged to holiday or travel during school vacations. If travel during school term is necessary the following considerations apply:

  • If the principal accepts the reason for the absence, the absence will be marked as L (approved leave)

  • If the principal does not believe the absence is in the student’s best interest and does not accept the reason, the absence is unjustified and will be recorded as A (absent)


In line with Sydney Catholic Schools guidelines around attendance and school processes, when a parent attempts to add an attendance note for a period greater than 10 days, a form (Form A.1) - Application for Extended Leave - (including travel) for Leave over 10 days will appear as a pop-up.  Parents will need to contact the school submitting the application via email to:


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Mosman

Tel: (02) 9969 6600   Email:

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